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ABC News: Cutting 350-400 Jobs

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  • ABC News: Cutting 350-400 Jobs

    How many people does it take to re-write a press release from the White House? According to ABC News that number is down 350-400 journalists.

    The network known for having George Stephanopoulos, former Clinton strategist/mouthpiece as its lead journalist. Diane Sawyer reading the news, while a Republican, is still only reading the news.

    "The final tally was less than anticipated because more than 300 staff and contract employees agreed to take a voluntary buyout, according to a source familiar with the process. The larger-than-expected response to the buyout offer provided a small measure of relief at ABC, which is undergoing a radical makeover in its approach to news gathering and production in an effort to pare down costs. In all, the news division is losing 350 to 400 employees, at least a quarter of its 1,400-person staff."

    The San Fran Chronicle lost 22% of its circulation. The LA Times lost 15%of its paid subscribers in a year.

    The fringe media is not doing well. Americans want news, not propaganda. We want Constitutional government, not radicals based on sensitivity and agendas.

    Thanks to the Internet, talk radio and Fox News, Americans can get the news, unfiltered. Yes, it is opinionated at points. But Fox News gives the news, then gives it views. ABC news just gives the Party line.

    In a while the ABC national news room will be as large at the KTLA news room in LA or the KCRA news room in Sacramento. My guess it will still be reporting White House press releases as news.

    According to the head of CBS, Les Moonves, a generation ago 100 million Americans watched the national news--last year it was 24 million. People are getting smarter.
