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San Fran Politics: Radicals vs. Socialists

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  • San Fran Politics: Radicals vs. Socialists

    The author must be smoking a funny cigarette. "Moderate Democrats in San Francisco often complain that far-left politicians don't represent their values. Middle-class families are frustrated that their concerns - like safe streets - are undermined by ideologues with wild claims of a "police state." Developers are exasperated when their projects are subjected to endless delays, even when the property has been a vacant eyesore for years."

    There are no "moderates" in San Francisco. Those involved, activists and donors, are arguing over how fast government should own or control everything, not if.

    The "developers" could return sanity to San Fran by not donating to socialists like Gavin Newsom. They can stop donating to hacks who want higher taxes, bad regulations.

    The San Francisco business community is lead by appeasers--folks who hope that will not be hurt.

    Winston Churchill once said, "an appeaser is someone who feeds his friends to the alligators, hoping they eat him last."

    In the end all appeasers are eaten. The rest of us are collateral damage.
