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Passage of immigration crackdown in California less likely

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  • Passage of immigration crackdown in California less likely

    Arizona passed legislation that will, when implemented, protect the honest citizens of that State.

    Do you mind that illegal aliens are now fearful of losing their jobs, homes and cars? Shouldn't criminals be afraid of government?

    California also passed Prop. 187 that would have stopped criminals from getting tax benefits. Sadly Gray Davis used the Governors office against honesty and the people of California, protecting those who violate our law

    Democrats love illegal aliens--they believe that eventually these criminals will become citizens and thank them for keeping them here and giving them our tax dollars.

    "Knight blamed Democrats in Sacramento for killing any bill aimed at cracking down on illegal immigration, including legislation he introduced last year to bar illegal immigrants from receiving in-state tuition at California public colleges and universities.

    "We get laughed out of committee whenever we bring these bills up," Knight said."

    Shame on us for protecting those who violate our laws. We will remember in November.
