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One bill solves two problems: Raise school entry age

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  • One bill solves two problems: Raise school entry age

    We had been told that early education, starting at age three is a good thing, and it should be mandated, so say the government educators.

    Now we are being told kids can wait till the age of six to enter government schools.

    Here is some "education" gobblygook, "Kindergarten today has far more academic instruction than it did years ago, and children need to have a higher level of mental maturity to succeed. Some studies have even suggested that one reason California students don't fare as well on standardized tests as students in other states is that they are competing with generally older kids.".

    Means nothing but sounds good. Teach kids the basics and they learn. Or you can train them to be "sensitivity”, learn "good eating habits" and to "protect the earth" and they have wasted their time and your money.

    Until we make schools a place for education instead of socialization, our schools will continue to be failures.
