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Andy Stern of SEIU: Union Criminal

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  • Andy Stern of SEIU: Union Criminal

    The police of Gaithersburg, Maryland have real crime in their city--rapists, burglaries, citizens being attacked by gangs, drug dealers.

    Instead the elitists like Hollywood actor Danny Glover and union leader Andy Stern used the cops to waste time with a Hollywood like arrest of cry babies--who wanted to go to jail.

    "Stern, undisturbed, smiled with pride. After all, his arrest was real but prearranged with Maryland police as part of a union rally taking aim at food and facilities management services company Sodexo Inc." A pre-arranged arrest--will someone sue Stern for abuse of the people of this town?

    Why did he, an imported actor, and others demand to be arrested?

    "Sodexo said in a statement that the SEIU is conducting a smear campaign of misinformation against the company in an attempt to drive out other unions that have historically operated within the food service industry." This is a fight between unions, not the company--but the company and its workers (unionized already) gets harmed.

    Stern, Glover and the others are sick--maybe a few days in a mental institution, with them paying, would help them. Obviously these folks need attention; a hospital would give them lots of attention.

    "It sure is a beautiful day to get arrested, Stern said in a speech to the roaring crowd before being handcuffed alongside fellow protester actor Danny Glover in front of Sodexos headquarters in Gaithersburg, Md."

    What do you think should be done to them? The union movement is down to this--a fight among thieves to see who gets the bribe money.
