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Corruption: Nursing homes attempt to charge booze, ski tickets to state

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  • Corruption: Nursing homes attempt to charge booze, ski tickets to state

    Government, by definition, is corruption.

    "Spa treatments in Hawaii, a flight to the Middle East and $13 million in bonuses for an executive and his family.

    None of these were what California lawmakers had in mind for Californias neediest seniors when they changed the way nursing homes were funded in 2004.

    But according to audit and court records, thats exactly what nursing home owners sought. The nursing home Quality Care Act of 2004 eliminated a flat-fee payment system in favor of one that allows nursing home owners to report their costs and get reimbursed."

    if the program did not exist, we would not have to pay millions for auditors and investigation to ferret out the corruption.

    A little example of why California will stay in a Depression for at least a generation.
