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Tribes see billions at stake in fight over online gaming

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  • Tribes see billions at stake in fight over online gaming

    Our government schools are failures. Our roads are back. The ports are being run by special interests and unions. California has a $39 billion deficit.

    But we do have gambling--anywhere you go in the State you will find a facility to throw away your money on the entertainment of gambling.

    Now, you will soon be able to be a "green", gambler--you will be able to save the environment as you lose your savings.

    "The fight over legalizing online poker in California continues to expose rifts between some of California's largest gaming interests, primarily its politically powerful Indian tribes, which are split over both state and federal efforts that could legalize and tax online gambling."

    Just go to you computer, no car is needed. Click on the web site, you will not need to see daylight to lose your money.

    Is this wanted we wanted when we passed Prop. 5? Wonder how many of these folks are now using government services to replace the money they lost. In other words, taxpayers have much to lose when their neighbor decides to gamble. Can you afford your neighbors?
