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SF Chronicle: Let Government Steal Private Firms With Tax $$

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  • SF Chronicle: Let Government Steal Private Firms With Tax $$

    Looks like the Chronicle is begging for a government handout to avoid the inevitable, closure. Now the Chron has decided it is OK to steal tax dollars from the poor, those who need health care, and those who want public safety and give it to government agents who tell private businesses you have been sold, to us--here is what we are paying.

    Prop. 16 stops government from buying energy companies without a 2/3 vote of the people. The current system literally allows government to steal energy companies.

    Can you spell corruption? Looks like the Chronicle is either really naive or a tool of government agents--which do you think?

    Either way, government is the problem, not the solution.

    Just today Toyota agreed to pay a $16million fine, which may be deserved. But the fine was issued by a competition, not a uninterested third party. When the US government fined Toyota, it did so as an owner of Chrysler and Government Motors. It is like CBS fining NBC--total conflict of interest.
