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California Agency Acted Like "Mob Enforcer"

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  • California Agency Acted Like "Mob Enforcer"

    Everybody knew that government was a form of organized crime. At least the California Air Resources Board admits it.

    "The metaphor Kit Enger uses most often when talking about the California Air Resources Board (CARB) is that of the mob enforcer. As in, It was like I was forced to buy protection from a mob leader. That was just in his discussion with me; when he testified before CARB itself, back On Nov. 19, 2009, he was even more graphic, telling the board that a CARB enforcement officer told him on two occasions, If you guys don’t get on with this settlement, it doesn’t matter to us if you go out of business, change your name, move to another state, or die, we will find you and attach your assets.

    Angry yet? We can change this on November 2, will you help?
