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Tea Party movement to boost influence

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  • Tea Party movement to boost influence

    We may be in the midst of a sea change in public policy. during the Nixon years we had the "Silent Majority"

    The Tea Party is a movement of the "Silent Majority" without the duct tape on the mouth.

    It is based on the fact that government is out of control and both major political parties are in on the scam.

    While this story is about San Diego--the TP movement has already elected a US Senator, Scott Brown, cause a corrupt and lying congressman, Bart Stupak to retire rather than lose in November and now pundits are debating whether the GOP will barely win control of Congress (41 seats) or have a 75 seat win blowout? Either way Pelosi is gone as the Eva Peron of Congress.

    Does this movement continue after November? It better--to keep the GOP feet to the fire..and remind Obama their job is not gone until he is shipped back to Chicago. Then is 2013 their job is done. But, they still need to stay involved.
