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American Investors Not Willing to Invest in CA High Speed Rail

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  • American Investors Not Willing to Invest in CA High Speed Rail

    Are American investors smarter than foreign investors? Looks like it. Americans are refusing to "invest" in the "choo choo" train boondoggle.

    "China is offering not just to build the 465-mile rail line from San Francisco to Los Angeles but also to help finance its construction, and Chinese officials have been shuttling between Beijing and Sacramento to make presentations, Crane told The New York Times.

    China is not the only country interested in selling high-speed-rail equipment to the United States. Japan, Germany, South Korea, Spain, France and Italy have also approached California's High Speed Rail Authority."

    No American companies or investors are interested in this--great for their economies and will save our firms billions--only the California taxpayer and families will lose--$200 billion at a minimum.

    If you thought California was broke--wait till this goes down the toilet--too expensive to use and too few riders.

    This is another part of the puzzle keeping California in a Great Depression for a generation.
