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LA Supervisors Allowed to Spend Without Vote or Oversite

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  • LA Supervisors Allowed to Spend Without Vote or Oversite

    How corrupt in the County of Los Angeles? "Los Angeles County prosecutors said Tuesday that county supervisors did not break the law when they spent millions of taxpayer dollars on pet projects without a public vote or discussion."

    Technically, legally, this may be acceptable.

    In the real world this is corruption--legal corruption.

    Does anybody believe millions of tax dollars should be spent without a vote, without over site and in most cases, without exposure.

    How was these secret tax dollars spent? "Among the expenditures was $25,000 by Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas to buy a place in "Who's Who in Black Los Angeles." Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky used more than $200,000 to support his new website as well as his Twitter and Facebook accounts. Supervisors Mike Antonovich, Don Knabe and Ridley-Thomas used their accounts to pay for cars and drivers. Knabe's armed driver makes $90,000 annually." Sick, sick, sick.

    Time to end this fiscal corruption. Another example of why we do not need to raise revenues, we need to control spending, especially the secret spending.
