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Escondido: Stops Budget Cuts, Raising 131 taxes and Creates 42 New Ones

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  • Escondido: Stops Budget Cuts, Raising 131 taxes and Creates 42 New Ones

    Were I a citizen of Escondido, I would start a Recall of the city council members on the budget subcommittee.

    "Cutting expenses has been the city's priority during its budget crisis, but on Tuesday the emphasis shifted toward increasing revenue.

    A proposal to raise 131 fees for city services and to create 42 new fee categories was presented to the City Council's budget subcommittee."

    In affect instead of ending the sweetheart deals with the unions, returning to basic services, they are trying to bankrupt the citizens of Escondido.

    They want to raise or create 173 taxes!!! This may be a record for stupidity by any government (ObamaCare is in its own category of corruption and destruction)

    How quickly will business leave? How soon will productive families leave--how can they afford to live under a destructive tax system?

    Of course, while this is meant to raise revenues--if history is another example, revenues will decrease--probably in a very dramatic fashion.

    Oh, fees are really taxes--you are forced to pay them. Just a technicality to make it easier to raise taxes, by NOT calling them a tax. Another example of government corruption.

    Escondido wants to fiscally become bankrupt like Los Angeles, San Francisco and Vallejo--but do it in record time.
