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Obama Policy: Bigotry for 25 More Years

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  • Obama Policy: Bigotry for 25 More Years

    Barack Obama spent twenty years in a pew listening to the racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic Jeremiah Wright. Any wonder he sees the world as a George Wallace Democrat?

    He believes the color of your skin should give you a job, not your qualifications. He thinks skin color, not academic achievements create a place in school. This sounds like George Wallace in Alabama in the 1960's.

    "The Obama administration has filed a brief with the fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Fisher v. University of Texas, a case involving the use of racial preferences in the admission of undergraduate students at UT Austin. The brief was filed in opposition to plaintiffs in the case, two white students who claim that they were denied admission to the university on the basis of "holistic" evaluation that included a weighing of racial factors. The university, for its part, does not deny that race is employed as a factor in admission: It has publicly embraced a policy whereby one-fourth of each entering class is admitted on the basis of factors that include racial background"

    Wallace wanted blacks to be second class citizens, Obama wants white people to be second class citizens. Don't look at the words of Obama, look at his actions. His brief against the white students shows his preference for bigotry, not equality.

    Looks like the lessons of Wright are ingrained in Obama. Bigotry lives, in the White House by the natural descendants of George Wallace and Jeremiah Wright--brothers in the Association for Bigots.
