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Clean air plan targets industries from dairies to developers--kill the jobs!

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  • Clean air plan targets industries from dairies to developers--kill the jobs!

    Government is down right silly.

    "Bay Area oil refineries could be required to cut fumes from tanks and pipes. Dairy farmers might have to provide feed that lessens the gas expelled by cows.

    Homebuilders could be required to design housing tracts to minimize residents' car travel.

    Even winemakers might have to operate under a rule to limit the sweet-smelling vapors that escape from fermentation tanks."

    Get real, home builders are not responsible for where the buyers work, period. This is just a way for the Left to increase the cost of housing and to make Californians poorer. If we are poorer, we will have to depend more on government.

    Every dollar of taxation, or policy that increases costs to families, is a dollar less of freedom.

    Government is not about freedom, it is about control.
