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Government Schools Want More $$ for Failed and Corrupt Schools

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  • Government Schools Want More $$ for Failed and Corrupt Schools

    Government schools and the unions that run them, along with their wholly owned subsidiary, the PTA, want more money for their failed schools.

    In another article today I note how the government schools break the law by not providing accountability of previous bond money spent--guess the special interests want even more dirty money to play with.

    Maybe if we got rid of illegal aliens from our schools we would not need more of your money to waste?

    Maybe if LAUSD did not spend $400million to build a high school on top of a cancer causing methane field, we would have enough money?

    Maybe if teachers were not forced to pay bribes to work, we would have enough money for real education.

    Maybe if parents had their own organization to represent themselves and their children, we would not be in this mess?

    It is time for parents and children to demand more charter schools and fewer government schools--education is too important to be left to incompetent and corrupt government.
