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Mandatory Jury Duty: Waste of Time, Effort and $$

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  • Mandatory Jury Duty: Waste of Time, Effort and $$

    Want to kill enthusiasm for government--force everybody to spend 1-5 days on jury duty. Take folks away from jobs and family for a week. Make sure they lose money to pay for food and shelter.

    Tell folks that government will cancel your vacation.

    Make sure people sit in trials where all the information, due to technicalities, are not given. Trials are decisions made based on rules, not common sense or truth.

    In San Fran thousands of cases are being through out due to phony and poorly done lab work. Tens of thousands of hours of honest, private citizens time was waste din this instance alone.

    What would happen if we all decided to tell the judge NO, we can not decide the innocence or guilt of a person unless WE are given all the information in the case, not just want the Judge and lawyers want us to know?

    Jury duty is important; government wasting your time is not.
