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Prop. 13 homeowners don't have it easy

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  • Prop. 13 homeowners don't have it easy

    Democrats are trying hard to kill Prop.13. The fringe media is supporting the effort to steal homes from the elderly--are you going to speak out?

    This is the reality, thanks to corrupt government, owned by unions.

    "Further, I am now elderly and incapacitated and can no longer work. Taxes and the cost of living keep going up and up. Social Security may give you a few extra dollars should the budget allow, but their budgets are shrinking and cutting back and causing them to give very little, if any, dollars to anyone.

    So where does all the money go? Where are these tax dollars going that voters are kept being asked to vote for and pay even more parcel taxes?

    Thank God I don't smoke or drink, but I have cut out and cut back on just about everything: newspapers, TV guides, all magazines. I seldom go to a movie anymore. I have a computer, but just to write, and I only use
    snail mail. I purchase food, barely meet my monthly essential bills, and am still paying on the house because of loans taken out over the years for various repairs."

    Shame on us for allowing this. We need to immediately end the corruption of unions and special interest running government--the people can no longer afford of luxury of Chicago style government in California.
