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San Fran: Street Repair Falls Victim to Budgets

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  • San Fran: Street Repair Falls Victim to Budgets

    When San Fran can't pass higher taxes or bonds, you know the people are angry.

    This is a headline story: The voters of San Francisco are tapped out and won't vote for more money for government to waste.

    "But after that money is spent, said Edward D. Reiskin, the director of the citys Department of Public Works, there is not going to be much left for road work.

    One reason is that last year, San Franciscos leaders scrapped a multimillion-dollar road-repair measure headed for the ballot after polls showed a lackluster response on the part of voters."

    Everybody knows that once the money is in the hands of the politicians it will be spent as they want, not how they told you it will be spent.

    This is a good sign.
