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Union Goons Bully Business Owner

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  • Union Goons Bully Business Owner

    "One day last week when he was working at a job site, Marys husband walked to his truck for more supplies and was confronted by twelve union workers in a very threatening manner. He has since found out that they were paid by their union to picket his jobsite.

    Why? It was all about prevailing wage jobs. When there is any sort of government funding for construction jobs, such as school districts, low income housing, government buildings, and the like, if the union contractors dont get hired for the jobs, they still have the right to send union apprentices. This forces the contractors to pay apprentices $40 per hour, which according to Marys husband, is much too high to pay for apprentices."

    Yet the police and DA have done nothing--looking the other way when organized crime bullies and threatens people.

    This is why California costs too much--government allows bullies to threaten decent, honest people.

    This is why California will stay in a Depression--we force workers to pay bribes to work for government--and we allow unions to threaten private, non-union workers and owners.
