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Arizona: Illegal Aliens Are Trespassers

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  • Arizona: Illegal Aliens Are Trespassers

    As I have said, all illegal aliens are criminals.

    They use our hospitals and money to birth anchor babies--to get the sympathy factor going when deported, to which they are not entitled.

    The use false or phony ID's. They use stolen ID's.

    They fraudulently fill out forms to get jobs; they are not allowed to have.

    They get government benefits, they are not entitled to.

    Illegal aliens are now going to be officially called what they are, trespassers, in Arizona.

    This is the State where businesses caught hiring illegal aliens will lose their business licenses.

    "The measure allows police to detain people on the suspicion that they are illegal immigrants, outlaws citizens from employing day laborers, and makes it illegal for anyone to transport an illegal immigrant, even a family member, anywhere in the state.

    The bill's supporters say a local crackdown has become a necessity because the federal government has failed to adequately seal the borders or actively enforce its laws. They blame Arizona's spiraling crime and unemployment rates on its large population of illegal immigrants."

    Oh, please note that Senator John McCain, the author of several amnesty bills for illegal aliens, will not take a stand on this bill.

    Could it be that he knows J.D. is going to give him a rough primary? In fact, by not taking a stand, I believe this seals his fate--he will lose the primary because he does not stand up to criminals sneaking into our nation.

    Pass this on.
