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San Diego School Policy: Secretly Kill Babies

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  • San Diego School Policy: Secretly Kill Babies

    Parents think their children are safe in government schools. And mostly, they are.

    But government educators (educators owned by unions and special interests, with little concern about education and students) have decided that the secret killing of babies is more important than honesty with parents.

    "But the school district is now rewriting the rules to state that information about student pregnancy is confidential. The newly proposed rules also say parents will not be notified if students wish to leave campus for confidential medical services such as abortions.

    "This will give us clarity," said Marge Kleinsmith-Hildebrand, who oversees HIV/AIDS prevention and sex education in the school district. "School staff will be able to support students and follow the Education Code and comply with school district policies and procedures."

    Clarity? Hiding abortions from parents. Kidnapping of students from the classroom. Are they using tax dollars for this? This is theft, embezzlement or plain corruption.

    Government schools in San Diego will soon no longer be trusted with the safety of our children.

    When the first student dies from a secret abortion--who goes to jail? The Principal conspired in the murder. The teacher and nurse conspired in the murder. And the Superintendent certainly, along with the Board of Trustees are in need of indictment and conviction.

    Government schools conspire to murder babies, in secret--what else would you expect from government?

    What are you going to do about this? The abortions are on your hands.
