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Obama Tried to Humiliate Netanyahu

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  • Obama Tried to Humiliate Netanyahu

    "In a disgusting display of arrogance, and hatred of Israel, Barack Obama, the same man who continues to extend his hand out to despots such as Ahmadinjad, shares a laugh with dictators such as Chavez and bows to the King of the repressive Saudi regime, did everything but smack the face of our ally, Israeli Prime Minister in the face when he visited the White House on Tuesday night."

    Waxman, Berman, Clinton, Boxer, Feinstein and other so called supporters of Israel must be embarrassed. The guy they put in the White House turns out to be a bigot--loves terrorists and hates Israel.

    "According to a report in the UK Telegraph, Netanyahu arrived at the White House on Tuesday evening brimming with confidence that the worst of the crisis in his country's relationship with the United States was over. The President immediately thrust a list of 13 demands into the Prime Minister's face,which included extension of the freeze on Jewish settlement growth beyond the 10-month deadline next September, an end to Israeli building projects in east Jerusalem, and even a withdrawal of Israeli forces to positions that they held before the Second Intifada in September 2000, after which they re-occupied most of the West Bank.

    After a short negotiation period, the POTUS abruptly stood up and said "I'm going to the residential wing to have dinner with Michelle and the girls." I'm still around, Let me know if there is anything new. With that he left.”

    The leader of the only democracy in the Middle East and a major supplier of military technology to the United States, Benjamin Netanyahu was left to stew in a White House meeting room for over an hour."

    As Americans, we are all embarrassed--our President is apologizing to terrorists while harming Israel.
