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20 years of reform have done little for struggling California schools

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  • 20 years of reform have done little for struggling California schools

    Government educators call being owned by unions as "reform".

    "Despite new curriculums, smaller class sizes and more reforms than you could shake a stick at, a sobering new study by the Brookings Institution has found that most of California's low-performing schools in 1989 remained that way 20 years later.

    School performance, underperforming schools

    The research by Brookings' Brown Center on Education Policy compared the state test scores of 1,156 schools from 1989 to 2009. Of the 290 schools that were in the lowest categories two decades ago, 184 (63.4 percent) scored similarly last year."

    We have wasted tens of billions of dollars on "reforms" instead of just educating the students.

    Who is being fired? Who is losing their credentials? Why aren't the parents in the streets protesting? Why do we allow children to be held hostage in failed schools?

    We do--it is because we are not outraged that this is allowed--time to close down failed government schools and fire those responsible.
