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Senate Democrats:Tax $$ for Viagra for Sex Offenders

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  • Senate Democrats:Tax $$ for Viagra for Sex Offenders

    Yup, 57 U.S. Senate Democrats voted to allow your tax dollars be spent to give VIAGRA to sex offenders.

    "Democrats killed an amendment by Republican Sen. Tom Coburn to prevent the newly created insurance exchanges from using federal money to cover Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs for rapists, pedophiles and other sex offenders. The amendment failed 57-42"

    All in the name of "protecting" ObamaCare from the wrath of the American people.

    Imagine a young boy or girl raped by a known sex offender, the ugly deed because your tax dollars bought him Viagra.

    This is as sick as it gets..

    Now, each State needs to pass a law making it a felony to sell or give Viagra or one of its competitors to a sex offender.

    This shows how hateful the Democrats are of the women and children .We will remember in November.

    Pass this on--let your friends and neighbors see how out of control Democrats are.
