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Corrupt Unions Join to harm health care: SEIU-UHW

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  • Corrupt Unions Join to harm health care: SEIU-UHW

    Without a doubt the SEIU and the UHW are among the most corrupt unions in America.

    The UHW was formed by members of the SEIU who thought the SEIU was "too" corrupt. In fact, the UHW folks were corrupt, but didn't like being caught.

    The unions are now supporting the compromising of health care of Bay Area patients.

    The pay off? Simple.

    The hospital will give the unions full control over the workers in the new facility. More bribe payers for the unions--more cost for the patients. Strikes whenever the hospital refuses to pay.

    This is why California is disintegrating before our eyes.

    Anybody willing to say NO to the greedy, corrupt unions?
