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Guv Loses ANOTHER Massive Lawsuit--$6 Billion in Lost Suits

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  • Guv Loses ANOTHER Massive Lawsuit--$6 Billion in Lost Suits

    "An Alameda County Superior Court judge on Wednesday ordered the state to end furlough." After paying the salaries, interest and penalties (union contracts violated), Arnold may have cost Californians one billion dollars--and the workers got the time off!!

    This means that the total of lost lawsuits, of the Governor violating the law is now NORTH of SIX BILLION dollars. (Oh, we have not paid a dime of the loses--that is part of the reason the real deficit, as of today is about $38 billion.)

    This is why we can not afford another amateur with an ego and arrogant, in the Governors office.

    We are in trouble--and we need an adult in charge, not someone who wants an expensive play toy.

    Oh, when will the fringe media, the Times, Chronicle or Bee, do this story of massive lawsuit losses due to law violations by Arnold?
