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52% in California Say Public Employee Unions Significantly Strain Budget

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  • 52% in California Say Public Employee Unions Significantly Strain Budget

    The public gets it--unions harm families and the State.

    The Democrats get it--they get union bribe money to run campaigns, then to give the unions anything they ask.

    "Most likely voters in California (52%) believe public employee unions place a significant strain on the states struggling budget, according to a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state.

    Just 24% disagree and say the unions are not a budget strain. Another 24% are undecided.

    The majority of voters in the state (53%) oppose unions for public employees, while 43% are in favor of them. Those numbers include 19% who are strongly in favor and 28% who strongly oppose these unions."

    Like health care, Democrats and unions refuse to listen to the public.

    "Seventy-three percent (73%) of Republicans and 61% of voters not affiliated with either major party see the public employee unions as a budget strain. Just 28% of Democrats agree."

    November would be a good time to take government back from the unions.
