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Guvs Hiring Freeze ADDS 26,000 MORE Employees

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  • Guvs Hiring Freeze ADDS 26,000 MORE Employees

    You thought the Governor was telling the truth when he declared a "hiring freeze" for State employees?

    Here are the facts:

    "In fact, based on his own analysis of payroll data released by the controller's office, something he's done once a month since1997, Mandler counted 39,142 new names throughout all of last year. "I don't have a life,'' he quips. In 2008, he counted 47,090.

    State officials say they don't track that data independently. But they estimate turnover in the state work force either new hires to fill vacancies or workers moving to different departments at 13 percent. Based on that figure, the state would still average 30,000 new hires each year."

    Not only has the Governor replaced those that quit or retired--he added ANOTHER 26,000.

    So, instead of lowering the number of State employees by 60,000, which he could without a single lay off, he added26,000.

    Any wonder California is in a Depression? Our leaders are not honest with us, and we pay the bills for the corruption and ego's.
