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Arnold: 71% Disapproval Rate

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  • Arnold: 71% Disapproval Rate

    Arnold said, when running in the Recall, that he opposed big government, opposed higher taxes and wanted to create jobs

    Here is his record:

    California unemployment is12.5% and rising--while the national number is 9.7%

    In the past five years he has approved over $100 billion in deficits. Our debt is now over $600 billion.

    He is still promoting AB 32, which guarantees job and revenue losses.

    He master minded the highest tax increases in a State in the history of man kind--and wanted more, via the initiative process.

    While claiming he froze State government hiring, 2009 saw 39,000 NEW State employees and 2008 saw 47,000 NEW State employees--26,000 more than those retired or fired.

    This is why we can not afford another Arnold--an arrogant, ego driven, amateur, with vague answers with a script instead of answers.

    Note that only 27% of GOP'ers still approve of Arnold--all voters only have a 23% approval rate.

    My guess is that the Governors' poll numbers will be around 15% when he leaves office.
