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Governor Loses ANOTHER Lawsuit--Will Cost Us BIG $$$

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  • Governor Loses ANOTHER Lawsuit--Will Cost Us BIG $$$

    This is what happens when California has a Governor with no experience and lies about positions on taxes and government.

    "A state appeals court in San Francisco ruled Friday that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger had no right to furlough about 475 lawyers who work for the State Compensation Insurance Fund.

    The Court of Appeal said the attorneys are protected by a provision of state insurance law that makes fund employees "exempt from any hiring freezes and staff cutbacks otherwise required by law."

    A three-judge panel said the state law gives power to make staffing decisions to the fund's board of directors and not the governor."

    Add this law suit to the over $5 billion Arnold has already lost, but can not pay.

    Can we afford another Arnold? Ego, vague, slogans instead of policy and a novice?
