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Obama Kills Relationship With a Free Israel

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  • Obama Kills Relationship With a Free Israel

    President Barack Obama has apologized to terrorists. He has visited radicals. Barack has begged Iran to "play nice"

    On the other hand he has told Israel that they are no longer a free nation--that Israel must obey him or get the wrath of the United States.

    "Last week Israeli officials announced the building of 1,600 new homes in occupied East Jerusalem while US Vice-President Joe Biden was visiting.

    The move was seen as an insult to the US. Palestinian leaders say indirect talks with Israel are now "doubtful".

    Israel acts as a free nation that Joe Biden feels "insulted". The people of the US have been insulted by the Obama/Biden actions in playing with terrorists and opposing freedom loving nations.

    Israel is NOT controlled by the openly corrupt San Fran Nan or the nut from Nevada, Reid. It is a free nation and they can make any policies they want--they do not need approval from a man who is willing to sit down with terrorists, without pre-conditions.

    Tell for Israel to tell Obama to mind his own business and stop helping those who want to mark Americans and other free people.

    What do you think?
