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California's College Dreamers: politicians have sold them out

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  • California's College Dreamers: politicians have sold them out

    "Hundreds of University of California students rallied against a 32% tuition hike last week. Let's hope their future employers get a better work product. With just a little research, the students could have discovered that compensation packages won from the state by unions were a big reason for the hike."

    These students seem not smart enough to do research.

    They do not have a lick of common sense.

    These students are easily moved by totalitarian propaganda and can not think for themselves.

    Maybe before entering UCLA or Cal, they mature enough, to get an education?

    "Memo to marching students: The governor can't save you. You guys need a new legislature. This one is selling you out. Organize an opposition and vote them out in November. Plan B is quit school and become a state billboard inspector."
