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Government Caught Stealing, Again

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  • Government Caught Stealing, Again

    My good friend Dan Engler, sent me this article. He wrote,"Note the quintessential statist quote inside the article below: "'Compliance, that's all we've ever wanted,' said Senior Assistant City Atty. Wayne Winthers. "

    Government is force. Government is theft. It is not about what is good for society, it is about control--for the sake of control.

    Why does government force you NOT to use a private post office? Why does government force you to send your children to government schools--private schools means you pay TWICE for your childs' education.

    Why does government stop you from saving water in the form of a better lawn?

    When will we take back government? You are owned by government--that is not what the Founders created.

    You need to choose--free or slave. Time to act.
