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Bribe $$ Used to Bankroll Union Ballot Measure to Raise Taxes, Kill Jobs

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  • Bribe $$ Used to Bankroll Union Ballot Measure to Raise Taxes, Kill Jobs

    The California Teachers Association (CTA) with its affiliates around the State extorts teachers. They either pay bribes (called "dues") or no matter how qualified they are, they are not allowed to teach.

    Now, the bribe money is being used to put a measure on the ballot to raise taxes.

    The CTA wants to raise taxes. This means jobs losses for the parents of the students that are taught. Is the CTA that dumb not to understand economics or is it that they don't care?

    Actually, I think they know this will force more government control of the economy and families--and that is their real goal.

    Why do we allow special interests this much control of our lives?

    Get angry or get poor.
