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When unions eat their own

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  • When unions eat their own

    From Cal, 2/5/10 "When unions eat their own

    Heres a great story in the latest Sacramento News & Review about nasty infighting at the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA), a union representing 7,000 government employees. Long story short, a couple cops tried to get out of the CSLEA and form their own union (they say on organization that includes DMV instructors really cant properly represent sworn law enforcement personnel) only to incur a bloody reprisal from CSLEA leadership.

    Its a compelling look at internal trauma in one of the states more interesting public employee unions, but it’ll be hard for those concerned about union power in general to wish for anything other than a long war."

    This is what happens when folks are forced to pay bribes to work.

    This is a totalitarian union--refuses to allow people to leave.

    What would you call this union?
