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Does Obama Hate Catholics and Other Christians?

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  • Does Obama Hate Catholics and Other Christians?

    President Obama appointed an open hater of Christians as the head of the White Houses Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

    "Barack Obama has appointed Harry Knox to the White Houses Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

    In March, Knox began an attack on the Catholic Church during a speech before the gay rights group Human Rights Campaign.

    Knox, attacking Pope Benedict XVI directly, said the Pope and, through him the Catholic Church, is hurting people in the name of Jesus.

    After his appointment, Knox was confronted with his comment and reaffirmed that he hates the Pope."

    Know is a bigot, and Obama by appointing Knox is putting his seal of approval on religious bigotry.

    Then again, Obama spent twenty years listening to Jeremiah Wright and his venison of bigotry. So, Knox is in the Wright tradition--a hater of Christians.

    Shame on us for allowing this bigotry in the White House.
