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Politico: Could GOP win back the Senate?

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  • Politico: Could GOP win back the Senate?

    Dick Morris announced on “The Factor”, he was the first to declare that Scott Brown would win in Massachusetts, that after the November election, the GOP would control the House by ten members and the Senate by two members.

    Politico writes, "A 10-seat pickup for the GOP once regarded as an impossibility even by the partys own strategists remains very much a long shot. It would still require a win in every competitive race, something that happens only in wave elections like 1994 and 2008.

    But only 14 months after the GOP was routed up and down the ballot on the night of Barack Obamas election, the new political environment makes significant Senate gains likely. And within the past 24 hours, a Republican recapture of the Senate is at least within the realm of speculation."

    The Baltimore Sun is running a story showing that Democrats are running away from Obama and denouncing his budget and policy plans. See story here. "Heading into an election season in which Republicans are trying to tie Democrats to Obama's unpopular policies, Obama's budget gives his fellow Democrats an unlikely campaign tool a catalogue of ways to establish their distance from controversial aspects of his administration.

    It is a time-tested campaign tactic for politicians to declare their independence of party leaders. But the tactic is particularly important for Democrats this year, because their party dominates Washington, and being an insider is a political liability in an anti-incumbent climate."

    November will see an anger an fearful electorate--and the Democrats will be the target of the anger. Previously I had written that the GOP will win 75 seats--Morris is now up to a 51 seat GOP victory. I will stick with the 75 seats.
