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Union Demands Seniority, Not Competence, to Determine Work Assignment

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  • Union Demands Seniority, Not Competence, to Determine Work Assignment

    Unions want seniority, not competence to determine work assignments--this is why education and private sector companies are in trouble.

    "The main bone of contention is that Borax has proposed basing shift assignments and promotions on employees' experience, skills and performance. Under the old contract, those decisions were determined by years of service.

    In exchange for the change, Borax has offered employees a 2 percent annual wage increase, an annual performance bonus, a $4,000 signing bonus, 80 percent coverage of health care insurance costs and an early retirement package worth $10,000 to $40,000 to eligible employees, said spokeswoman Susan Keefe."

    Sadly, the workers are forced to pay bribes to work. End this corrupt and crazy union--allow freedom for workers.
