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Free Parking, Not Deficits and Massive Debts, Concern Senate Democrats

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  • Free Parking, Not Deficits and Massive Debts, Concern Senate Democrats

    California has over $600 billion in debts. Our schools are failures. The current deficit is $36 billion.

    But, the Democrats really want to get to core issues. They are trying to end "free parking".

    "There is too much of it, the legislators say, and it encourages people to drive instead of taking the bus, walking or riding a bike. All that motoring is contributing to traffic jams and pollution, according to state Sen. Alan Lowenthal (D-Long Beach), and on Thursday he won Senate approval of a proposal he hopes will prompt cities and businesses to reduce the availability of free parking.

    "Free parking has significant social, economic and environmental costs," Lowenthal said. "It increases congestion and greenhouse gas emissions."

    who says you need an IQ or common sense to get elected in California. Lowenthal reminds me of crazy Lloyd Levine--the Democrat most concerned that elephants have sufficient walking time each day.

    Lowenthal is a nut--not even worthy of an audition for Saturday Night Live.

    Now you know why California is in a Great Depression--Democrats worry and bike riding and free parking.

    Idea: Lowenthal should commute to work, each day, on a bike--from his home in Long Beach to Sacramento--save the planet Alan.
