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More Obama Federal Take Over of Local Government Agencies

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  • More Obama Federal Take Over of Local Government Agencies

    Barack Obama is trying to take over your health care.

    He has taken over banks.

    He has taken over auto makers.

    President Obama is trying to take over all loans to students for higher education.

    Now, because the Feds give money to a local (Washington, D.C.) transportation system, he has put Feds on the Board of Directors. This is a precedent that means a Federal take over of YOUR local government transportation system is about to take place. The next step is any local program that receives Federal funds, will Obama try to take those over as well--and the answer is YES.,

    We are in for the Obama/Federal takeover of society and government--unless we have a real national voter revolt in November.

    Socialism is government owning the means of production.

    Fascism is the government controlling the means of production.

    Andy Stern, the head of the SEIU, the union that gave millions to elect Obama, recently said this: "We will use the power of persuasion to gain control. If that does not work, we will use the persuasion of power"

    Is this fascism or socialism at work in the White House?
