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Obama to Nationalize Student Lending with Pending Budget Bill

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  • Obama to Nationalize Student Lending with Pending Budget Bill

    How do you control education? First, you control the money, through grants, loans and budgets that go to education. Washington has that covered for all government schools and many private schools.

    Then you control the students’ ability to finance higher education. Obama is trying to nationalize student loans, no different than his ideological friends Castro and Chavez have done.

    Want an education loan, go to a bank? Now, that could become illegal. You would have to borrow from the Federal government. What happens when the Feds oppose the existence of a university, like Oral Roberts, Regent or Liberty universities? They are religious schools. How about Brigham Young University, should the Feds finance students going to a school that values and teaches from a moral compass?

    The slippery slope of socialism is taking yet another step under the radical Barack Obama. Hopefully, with the election of Scott Brown, this will be stopped.
