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Political Novices Taken in by Radical Hucksters

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  • Political Novices Taken in by Radical Hucksters

    Remember when Meg Whitman said she was "a huge fan of Van Jones"? Jones is the self proclaimed communist who was too radical for the Obama Administration. She also gave $300,000 to the environmentally radical Environmental Defense Fund to protect the delta smelt.

    Now we have Carly Fionina, another former CEO of an establishment corporation, praising a radical huckster, Jesse Jackson. ""In the past 40 years, there are very few people who have used their talent ... to achieve more things for more people in more places than Reverend Jackson," she said in a 2003 speech posted on HP's Web site. "And we are all better off for his leadership."

    After this statement, Fionrina still claims to be a conservative. ""It goes without saying that as a mainstream conservative, Carly Fiorina strongly disagrees with Jesse Jackson's political agenda," Soderlund said. "Her remarks were focused on the importance of women recognizing and seizing opportunities to serve in public office."

    Political novices are easily taken in by sham artists and hucksters. They are starry eyed and believe every Elmer Gantry they meet. On a personal basis it is silly. But, putting people into high office who are so easily suckered, that is a danger to all of us.

    If you think Van Jones or Jesse Jackson are good people that should be supported and followed, then you are a danger to yourself and the public. No after the facts excuses are accepted.

    (Disclosure, I am professionally helping Steve Poizner for Governor)
