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Rasmussen Poll: 72% of Californians OPPOSE Higher Taxes

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  • Rasmussen Poll: 72% of Californians OPPOSE Higher Taxes

    The Governor, the Democrats and Senator Maldonado are totally off the board by even thinking about higher taxes and fees.

    "A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in California finds that just 28% of voters prefer raising taxes to cutting back on services or having the state file for bankruptcy."

    The people of California, by a wide margin, want to cut the pay, by 14% of the unionized government employees. "Sixty-three percent (63%) now prefer cutting the pay of state workers by 14% as has been proposed rather than raising taxes. Just 27% believe that raising taxes is the better way to go."

    The denizens of Sacramento are way off base and wasting time.

    End the union monopoly. End the illegal transfer of trust fund money. Stop borrowing money or selling new bonds. Tell the crazy prison "czar" his rip off of Californians is over--no more money for his operation to rip us off and make us less safe.

    In the end none of this works if we continue to kill jobs and revenues with the fraud based AB 32. AB 32 seems to be the weapon of choice by radicals in Sacramento for the murder of California.
