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Obama to New York: Drop Dead

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  • Obama to New York: Drop Dead

    President Obama wants to takeover the banks of America. He wants to do this by controlling what they can "sell", what part of the finance industry they can participate and to control the wages and benefits.

    The ultra liberal mayor of New York--a capitalist/socialist himself, Michael Bloomberg, is upset.."The mayor was so upset about the move -- and a suggestion that Wall Street bonuses be put in escrow, which means the money wouldn't be spent here, wouldn't help the city economy -- he responded with a proposal of his own for members of Congress.

    "Maybe we should hold back their salaries for a decade or so and see whether the laws they pass work out," Bloomberg said."

    Socialism is the government ownership of the means of production.

    Fascism is the control of the means of production.

    What do you think the Obama policy is--classic socialism or classic fascism? It is certainly not Constitutional, it is not a measure of liberty or freedom.

    Then again, what would expect of someone mentored by Frank Davis,Bill Ayres and Jeremiah Wright? The results of the Obama policy will be layoffs, sell offs of our banks to foreign banks, a lose of revenues, jobs and the ability to climb out of the Obama Recession.

    The great news is that this Obamapolicy willcause the GOP to win the New York Senate seat in November--thank you Barack.

    The good news is the Bloomberg will do whatever is necessary to protect his city. This is war.
