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Del Beccaro: CA Dems Ignore The Brown Vote ? Vote for State Health Care Whether We Li

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  • Del Beccaro: CA Dems Ignore The Brown Vote ? Vote for State Health Care Whether We Li

    Tom Del Becarro has written an important article on the efforts of the legislative Democrats in Sacramento to ignore the results of town halls, Tea Parties and the votes of the folks in Massachusetts. Click on the blue "read more" to see his article.

    The State Senate Republicans have a statement as well, here is part of it:

    Out of touch? The Democrats in California just don’t get it.

    Amazingly, days after the people of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts who have a single payer system went to the polls in rejection to Obama-care, liberal Democrats in CA try to ram this very proposal down the throats of every Californian.

    Today, the Democratic leadership in Sacramento introduced a Universal Healthcare plan that would cost $100 billion in the first six months and $222 billion-a-year thereafter. This bill does not specify a means of generating revenue to pay for the new health system, but rather would establish a commission to identify a premium structure.

    This bill represents an enormous expansion of government.

    The price tag for this health care takeover is more than double the entire state budget, and it does nothing to address our current $20 billion deficit. In fact, this plan makes the deficit worse ten times over.

    To avoid the difficult questions of how to pay for this new government bureaucracy, Democrats are planning to create a new $2 million government committee to figure out where to siphon off money to pay for the plan.

    Californians are losing their jobs and homes. They are struggling to care for their families. People everywhere want relief from high prices and high taxes. They desperately want to get back to work.

    People do not want more government bureaucracy--this message has been made clear in Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Virginia. If the Democrats in Sacramento continue to go down this route, this message will be made loud and clear come November 2010. California can no longer afford to jump off fiscal cliffs and hope theres a net below.

    It will, initially, produce cost-overruns that simultaneously result in pressure for tax increases, provider rate caps and rationed care.

    It will result in fewer people pursuing medical careers as doctors, nurses and allied health providers lose the financial compensation provided by the private market, the freedom to work as they choose and condemned to work in aging government medical clinics and hospitals seeing unhappy patients who have paid higher taxes for longer waits for care with limited or no choices.

    California already suffers from a shortage of physicians, nurses, allied health providers and hospital beds this bill makes it worse.
