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Court Ordered California Crime Wave to Begin January 25

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  • Court Ordered California Crime Wave to Begin January 25

    On January 25 make sure your cell phone is programmed for 911. Make sure you know where your family is. If you have self protection, make sure you can get at it quickly. Might be a good time to take a vacation,or if you were thinking of moving to another State, you need to act now.

    Los Angeles alone with get 5,000 known criminals released to its streets."Starting January 25, thousands of dangerous criminals will be released early from California state prisons - and for the first time in nearly 30 years, sent back to local communities without any supervision.

    "The County of Los Angeles will be dramatically impacted, with over 5,000 felons to be released to our city," said Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL) President Paul M. Weber."

    The good news is that the judges that ordered the crime wave have tax supported bodyguards--you have to pay for your own protection.

    This radical ACLU policy will cost us money and lives. ""Now we know that January 25 is the date that the state of California has decided to begin jeopardizing public safety with no perceivable financial benefit," continued Weber. "It is a virtual certainty that the releases' overall cost and risk to local communities are going to far outweigh any initial savings for the state. Each incident of crime costs taxpayers, on average, $18,000 for arrest and prosecution. Thus, the early release program will cost taxpayers more in the long run based on the number of inmates to be released and standard recidivism rates. On top of the wasted dollars there is a much greater toll - the pain and suffering of victims, their families and our communities."

    Who do you trust, the judges and the ACLU or the police? This is your life. Time for a real voter revolt. Hopefully the cops will tell the public each time one of these "special" criminals commit another crime.


  • #2
    Release the criminals in the JUDGE'S OWN enclaves!

