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As Expected: Chicken Farmers About to Leave State

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  • As Expected: Chicken Farmers About to Leave State

    The Left hates business,profits and jobs.How else do you explain AB 32, job killing regulations, high taxes and bad schools?

    We knew that bypassing Prop.2 in 2008 (this was the condo for chickens proposition) would end the chicken and egg industry of California--thousands would lose their jobs and about 1,000 farms would close.

    "In Idaho, as lawmakers convened Monday, Republican state Sen. Tim Corder said he would introduce legislation designed to attract California chicken farmers who might consider relocating. In Nevada, Pershing County is aggressively recruiting poultry farmers in California, the nation's fifth-largest producer of eggs. Georgia's poultry industry also has reached out to some California farmers in a bid to woo them eastward, California egg-industry officials say."

    Now several States are actively going after our chicken farms. In 5-7 years the only chickens found in California will be in the zoo and at KFC.

    Why is California in a Great Depression? Prop.2 is part of the reason.


  • #2
    The LIBS are the ones that LEFT California in the HOLE! With their incessant taxes and socialist policies against business profits, the California chicken farmers HAVE to go somewhere ELSE to ROOST!

