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California Budget Crisis Diaries: Looking for "Plan B" in 2010

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  • California Budget Crisis Diaries: Looking for "Plan B" in 2010

    We are $36 billion in deficit. We have over $5 billion in lost lawsuits not repaid and about to have another $5 billion in lost lawsuits we can not repay.

    The Governor had lots of bad ideas, hence the $10 billion in lost lawsuits. He had another terrible idea--sell part of the State Compensation Fund. "That idea was one of a handful of creative solutions and accounting maneuvers concocted to balance the $90-billion, recession-wracked spending plan, at least on paper.

    But the planned sale of part of the State Fund was tied up in court after California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner filed a lawsuit contending that a sale could weaken the insurer, raise premiums for thousands of employers and damage an already weak state economy."

    Good thing Poizner decided to protect the workers and families of California from the Governor and legislature.

    My Plan B? A new Governor and lots of new legislators. The current crop in Sacramento have a majority who voted for tax increases--they all need to go back to the private sector or the union they came from.

    Plan B: Stop borrowing, stop spending, repeal AB 32, lower taxes and end the union monopoly killing our State.

    What is your Plan B?
