True, torture is wrong, even for terrorists. They should be treated harshly, but torture is out.
But, is "art therapy" going to far in the other direction? "Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the attempted destruction of Flight 253 were released from Guantanamo two years ago."
This must make the people of Illinois feel safe and secure!
What was the "art therapy"? "As ABC News has reported, American officials agreed to send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an "art therapy rehabilitation program" and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials. Under the program, former detainees are given paint and crayons, presumably to diagram future attacks."
Was Bush paying attention--art therapy for terrorists?
Obama is responsible for allowing the terrorists to get this close to blowing up an airplane, Bush is responsible for the planners to be free to plan.
Our government is not paying attention, period.
Do not feel safe tonight--more former art therapy graduates are out and about, instead of being at Gitmo.
"The case of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who has been lawyered up, read his Miranda rights and treated for his burns at taxpayer expense, should hopefully put an end to plans to transfer other Gitmo detainees to a prison in Thomson, Ill., a sleepy town of 450 people near the Mississippi River about 150 miles west of Chicago." Why didn't Obama immediately ship this terrorist to Gitmo, away from the ACLU, our best health care and Miranda rights?
Bush was wrong, but Obama is a danger--because HE is now in charge of terrorists in captivity.
But, is "art therapy" going to far in the other direction? "Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the attempted destruction of Flight 253 were released from Guantanamo two years ago."
This must make the people of Illinois feel safe and secure!
What was the "art therapy"? "As ABC News has reported, American officials agreed to send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an "art therapy rehabilitation program" and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials. Under the program, former detainees are given paint and crayons, presumably to diagram future attacks."
Was Bush paying attention--art therapy for terrorists?
Obama is responsible for allowing the terrorists to get this close to blowing up an airplane, Bush is responsible for the planners to be free to plan.
Our government is not paying attention, period.
Do not feel safe tonight--more former art therapy graduates are out and about, instead of being at Gitmo.
"The case of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who has been lawyered up, read his Miranda rights and treated for his burns at taxpayer expense, should hopefully put an end to plans to transfer other Gitmo detainees to a prison in Thomson, Ill., a sleepy town of 450 people near the Mississippi River about 150 miles west of Chicago." Why didn't Obama immediately ship this terrorist to Gitmo, away from the ACLU, our best health care and Miranda rights?
Bush was wrong, but Obama is a danger--because HE is now in charge of terrorists in captivity.